Opinion leaders to drive CM Yogi’s Mission 80 campaign

CM Yogi

Lucknow: Usually, during elections, political parties hold big rallies, road shows, rath yatras, padyatras and street meetings. In the era of social media, efforts are being made by political parties to sway public opinion in their favor by campaigning through online platforms also.

Along with this, Uttar Pradesh is also witnessing a unique experiment in campaign in this Lok Sabha election. This campaign is to awaken the enlightened people. Intellectuals, also commonly called ‘opinion leaders’. This is the same group that has had the greatest ability to influence society’s behavior for centuries.

Doctors, Engineers, Advocates, Writers, Teachers, Professors, Chartered Accountants, Big Entrepreneurs, Businessmen and other professionals, who are considered as educated and learned class in the society. However, statistics show that it is this society that remains most inactive during elections, especially on the day of voting.

Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath (CM Yogi) is now trying his best to awaken this society and win the 80 Lok Sabha seats of the state.

The experiment was successful in 2023 also

Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has made full efforts to increase the voting percentage by communicating with the intelligentsia in the Lok Sabha constituencies of the state. However, this unique experiment of communication with the intelligentsia was also seen during the urban body elections held in UP last year, from which BJP got full benefit and apart from the mayor in all 17 municipal corporations, it got the post of president in 89 municipalities and 191 Nagar Panchayats. The party had registered the chair in its account. The prabuddh Sammelans are a shining example of that strategy.

Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath (CM Yogi) is once again trying his best to fulfill the target of ‘Mission 80’ through the intelligentsia of the state. Till now, CM Yogi has shown his strategic skills by directly communicating with the intelligentsia of more than 25 Lok Sabha constituencies of the state. The Chief Minister is now undertaking extensive tours to awaken the community which appears to be the most indifferent during elections.

Yogi explaining the power of each vote (CM Yogi)

CM Yogi visited 15 districts of Western Uttar Pradesh from March 27 to April 4 and interacted with lakhs of intelligent people. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has called upon a group of opinion leaders to go among the public and create awareness about voting rights. Under this, the Chief Minister’s main focus is on making the public understand the power of each vote and reach the polling booths and vote in the interest of the country.

CM Yogi is also presenting the condition of India before 2014 and UP before 2017 and the current achievements in front of the enlightened people. Along with describing the long series of education, security, health, prosperity and facilities, CM Yogi also appealed to respect faith and heritage and for the interest of the country, rising above caste, religion, creed and vote consciously on the day of voting.


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